This video playlist contains all the information you need about using Dual Version PortaSwitch to migrate gradually to a newer software version or to move back and forth between an on-premise installation and the cloud. Dual Version allows you to migrate your customers in batches, minimizing your risk of downtime or negative experiences and allowing you faster access to all the new features you are looking for.
This video playlist contains all the information you need about using Dual Version PortaSwitch to migrate gradually to a newer software version or to move back and forth between an on-premise installation and the cloud. Dual Version allows you to migrate your customers in batches, minimizing your risk of downtime or negative experiences and allowing you faster access to all the new features you are looking for.
Browse these videos to find answers to the frequently asked questions we hear about gradual software updates, to learn about the pros and cons of Dual Version versus traditional software updates, and listen to walk-throughs of how Dual Version works and what benefits it offers. To learn more about Dual Version, visit
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This video playlist contains all the information you need about using Dual Version PortaSwitch to migrate gradually to a newer software version or to move back and forth between an on-premise installation and the cloud. Dual Version allows you to migrate your customers in batches, minimizing your risk of downtime or negative experiences and allowing you faster access to all the new features you are looking for.