
Read about how PortaBilling is working with our current CSP customers to operate efficiently and effectively. Hear all the latest news, read about exciting success stories, and discover how you might do the same.

The 2024 PortaOne Barcelona Meetup Zhylenko & Khalenkov

PortaOne Barcelona Meetup 2024 Summary & Materials

The 2024 PortaOne Barcelona Meetup provided a unique opportunity for telco professionals to come together and collaborate. From insightful conversations with PortaOne executives to networking with industry peers, the event provided a relaxed atmosphere full of enriching interactions and valuable ideas

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PortaOne Helped a Brazilian Telco Serve 3 Million IoT Devices

IoT and M2M SIM Card Success: How PortaOne Helped a Brazilian Telco Serve 3 Million IoT Devices – and Counting

Sometimes, our partners drive us to push the boundaries of what our solutions can do – and when that happens, the entire PortaOne customer community reaps the benefits. Read on to learn how our longstanding collaboration with Datora Group helped to transform the Brazil-based telecom into a multi-channel M2M communication powerhouse – enabling a collective 3 million automobiles, boats, security sensors, inventory trackers, and more to stay connected – while allowing us to expand PortaBilling with robust IoT and M2M billing and charging functionality for everything from EV power stations to smart agriculture

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